
What if I told you in less than 5 minutes, you could take a short assessment that might allow you to solve your biggest issue today?

We can support you to be the most productive, effective, and admired leader in your organization.

In this safe, confidential space – no egos allowed…only powerful changemakers committed to leading the most powerful successful companies on the planet. The Corporate Shrink Team (a division of The Thrival Company), provides Advisory, Assurance, Professional Development, Training, and Assessment services to our clientele. GSA#47QRAA18D009X

Who Is Your Corporate Shrink?

We bring decades of problem-solving experience across 50 different business sectors. Get to know us!

Take Our 90 Second Assessment

Join our supportive online space for leaders to come be real about what is going on in their organization.

Training that Does Not Suck

Going to hang yourself if you have to sit through one more boring worthless HR training? We can change that.

Need A Mental Break?

Get your mind candy here to boost your energy, creativity and brainpower.

Success Stories

Your accomplishments with us, driving change through leadership.

Who We Work With

Corporations  |  VC & PE Firms  | Limited Liability Corporations  | Government Agencies  | NPOs & NGOs

We believe that your employees will cause your organization to soar or sink no matter what product or service you offer.


It can feel lonely at the top, but we can assure you – it’s not. Join our Leadership Elite private and confidential LinkedIn community, launching in 2021.

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